You probably already know that cellulite is a major problem for women and even some men for centuries now. When the fatty tissues build up a bulgy skin deep inside the skin, it pushes against the connective tissue. Thus, cellulite is formed. But there are ways to get rid of it. The answer is cellulite essential oil.
And, now that we are in an age where fashion is to wear teeny tiny skimpy bathing suits, mini skirts, and short shorts cellulite has become an even bigger issue, especially for women. However, cellulite can be extremely difficult to get rid of. But, if you are looking for a quick fix to reduce cellulite’s appearance, you might want to try an essential oil massage.
Cellulite Essential Oil is Totally Effective
You can get an essential oil massage at the spa, or, if you are looking for a more affordable massage, you can give it to yourself at home. The cellulite essential oils that you will need for your “at-home massage” are available in a wellness or beauty shop in your area. The essential oils can reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, if you are actually looking for a permanent cure, you will need to adopt a different strategy altogether.
Cellulite Oil & Exercise Make a Wonderful Combination
The best way to get rid of cellulite is to use an exclusive cellulie reduction exercise routine. While a lot of people say that you need to do a lot of cardio to get rid of cellulite, that is not the case with the exercises for cellulite program that I have in mind as I am well aware that cardio can be a real bummer for some including me.
Cellulite mostly affects women and using oils is one of the easiest treatment procedures. For the oils to reach its full healing capacity, it is best to use them as a bath soak treatment or as massage oils. Below are some easy steps to get rid of cellulite using essential oils.
Steps of Using Cellulite Essential Oil
1st step – You must decide what type of cellulite oil you want to use for the treatment of cellulite. The most popular anti-cellulite essential oils today are Cedarwood Oil, Juniper Oil, Black Pepper Oil, Grapefruit Oil, and Tea Tree Oil. You can add sage and cypress as well.
2nd Step – After you have chosen the essential oils that you want to use, prepare them, and use them as a bath treatment. You just have to stir at least 15 drops of the oils into half a cup of sea salt. After this, pour the mixture into running bathwater.
3rd Step – Once the bathtub is ready with the mixture, you can take a nice long soak and bath. You can stay soaked on the bath for as long as you want. You may also want to play soothing music to keep you relaxed.
4th Step – If you want to use the essential oils for massage treatment, you just have to mix at least 10 drops of the chosen essential oil with at least 2 tablespoons of wheat germ oil or jojoba oil.
5th Step – Once the mixture is ready, you can massage it on the affected area.
6th Step – As an alternative, you can go to a spa to receive a full body massage. Most spa establishments let their customers choose what oil they want to use. You just have to check and see which essential oils can do the trick.
7th Step – You can repeat the doing these procedures every week or every other day at the most to get better results. After some time, you will notice that cellulite in some areas starts disappearing. First, they will start reducing and after a certain period of time they will disappear