This Is All You Need To Know About Collagen And Why It Is So Great For your Skin

Collagen Also Impacts Positively Our Cardiovascular Health

Heart disease stems from unhealthy blood vessels. Taking adequate collagen improves arterial stiffness, further reducing one’s susceptibility to heart complications.

How To Increase Collagen Production

With its benefits, we must ensure collagen levels are optimum. There are proven scientific ways to boost our collagen levels, especially as we age. This is because our ability to produce protein diminishes over time.

Doctors recommend topical substances like retinol, which improve our body’s ability to produce collagen. This substance is often found in creams and serums, and they fuel collagen synthesis.

Additionally, a healthy diet is sometimes your best bet when managing your collagen levels. A protein-rich diet avails the amino acids needed for manufacturing collagen in our bodies.