Mood Swing; The best mood for writing? One should know the process of mood swings. What’s the mood that is just right for you to be able to work? Is it exciting? Is it happy?
Mood Swings

Sometimes you need to ask yourself whether or not your mood is in sync with the writing you are doing. When I find myself in a rut, I like to get rid of it, and that’s usually done by making sure I am just a little out of synch with my thoughts. One of the things I do is keep a journal.
Know More: Mood Swing
I write all kinds of thoughts, and I have one in which I just write a journal every day. The journal is where I record just about everything that occurs to me while I am working on my writing.
Not long ago, I was having a mood swing. You know the kind of moods where you can’t seem to get past the blues. It felt so good to be writing and getting it out there, but the writing always seemed to be driving me nuts.
There is a lot of information out there about mood swings. I read one on how to get rid of them and one on how to make sure they don’t come back. In truth, there is nothing I can do about the internal source of my moods, but I can definitely make sure that I am working on a regular basis. I guess the key is to make sure that I have a solid plan.
Keep A Daily Journal To Track The Triggers Of Your Mood Swings

To help my mental workday, I take notes in a notebook or journal as I am writing, and I have one where I can just jot down any thoughts that come to mind. I also make sure that I eat a healthy breakfast each morning, and I drink plenty of water. It’s a bit of a process to get there, but I have found that the rewards far outweigh the effort.
Just as in the example of the writing, the best mood for writing depends upon what you are feeling when you start out. If you don’t have a clear sense of where you are in your workday, you might find that you simply can’t get past the blues.
As I am writing this, I am trying to figure out what I am writing for today. That helps me be happy and hopefully more productive with what I am doing.
I think food is a lot like height, and there is no standard height. When you are looking for the best mood for writing, you are trying to find something that is aligned with the tasks you are doing and the style of writing you are doing.
Bottom Line: Mood Swing
The mood is more like your style. It’s the way you want to be. It may be the same, or it may be quite different, but that’s where you are coming from.
So, if you are trying to get a new or different mood, you might be surprised at how you can transform that mood. It takes practice, but the results will be worth it.
If you are having a mood swing, it might be time to change that, and you will feel a new sense of motivation. It’s hard to resist that kind of motivation!