The Birth Sports Directory offers thousands of safe and fun activities for expectant mothers. They include pregnancy yoga, ultrasound yoga, Pilates, dance, Pilates (fitness), Pilates (equipment), and all kinds of activities geared toward helping women give birth. Birth is a very special event and some of the activities on the Birth Sports Program are intended to help reduce the stress that many expectant mothers feel during the nine months of pregnancy. Here are several of them:
The Qigong classes on the Birth Sports Programs are designed to help ease the body and mind to give birth. Most childbirth educators think that acupuncture can be good for easing pain and so Qigong can work well in this regard.
Pelvic massage, pregnancy yoga, Pilates, and Pilates’ equipment will help to relieve muscle spasms and enable the woman to exercise more freely. This can help reduce pain during labor.
Birth Sports: What Are Some Great Options?
Qigong, together with Pilates can be used in the Birth Sports Program. However, for those who are having difficulties with breathing correctly or who have other physical difficulties, may find Qigong more suitable. Women having a second child can use Qigong to help lessen labor.
Both the ultrasound dance classes and the Pilates classes are designed to help prepare expectant mothers for the birthing process. Ultrasound dance classes allow the expectant mother to learn to dance while still inside the womb.
Another of the activities on the Birth Sports Program is Yoga. These classes can help the woman become calmer, thus lessening the anxiety she feels before delivery. The entire pregnancy yoga program can help increase oxygen to the uterus and decrease contractions.
With prenatal yoga classes, expectant mothers can take a break from the world of babies and start working on themselves. Her yoga classes will help her get back to what she does best, namely breathing deeply and concentrating on her breathing.
What Are The ‘Qigong Classes’ For?
The Qigong classes in the Birth Sports Program are designed to help prepare for the actual birth itself. Most prenatal Qigong classes are made up of women who have had multiple births and who have had quite a few pregnancies.
Since so many of these women have given birth to babies, they are all experts on labor and delivery and they know how to prepare their bodies. Their participation in the Qigong classes helps them to relax and allow themselves to be at peace.
Aside from the activities on the Birth Sports Program, there are other programs designed to help prepare women for the birthing process. The Body Care Guide by Cooney is a program which includes a pregnancy relaxation program, a relaxation guide, tips on preparing for childbirth, and a guide to first aid.
Another program offered on the Birth Sports Program is called “The Pregnancy Bible.” It features a guide to normal pregnancy, tips on getting pregnant, and a guide to getting back to being a mom after delivery. It also includes a helpful section on breastfeeding.
Lastly, the Surrender Spa offers its clients a massage along with other prenatal activities, like childbirth massage, pregnancy massage, and recovery massage. The program includes exercises geared toward reducing pain during labor, improving posture, increasing blood flow, relaxing, and getting a thorough post-partum massage. It also includes a list of resources and pictures for clients to refer to.