Anti Aging Foods You Should Try For Flawless Skin Glow You Need

Your skin reflects what you eat, and therefore, rejuvenating creams can only provide temporary support for the appearance. Aging is not just about the outer appearance but also from inside-out, and therefore, you should start ingesting anti aging foods to control it from its roots. Anti-aging foods slow the process of aging by fighting with radical elements and increasing cell growth. The different types of anti aging foods you should try based on the properties and healing are as follows-

Anti Aging Foods – Antioxidant Properties

A person standing in front of a blender

Antioxidants help in preventing the damage caused by oxidation. It also helps heal the damages caused to the skin by pollution, smoke, cigarette smoke, light, etc. The various foods you can intake to slow down the aging process are green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, etc. They are enriched with vitamins A that control sebum production, thus helping oily skin, vitamin C, which boosts collagen and thus reduces the usage of artificial creams on the skin, and vitamin E, which prevents oxidative damage. The antioxidants and vitamin C present in tomatoes and pomegranates prevents the skin from sun damage and wrinkles. Consumption of blueberries also helps to fight the damage caused by free radicals and keeps the skin alive and young.

Elasticity, Gut cleaning, and Acne Reducing Properties

A group of palm trees

Most of the problems associated with your skin originate from the infection in your gut, and thus, by eating the right foods, you can ensure good health and flawless glowing skin. Omega-3 fatty acids present in fishes like Tuna, Sardines, Salmon, etc., help reduce inflammation and keep the skin moisturized. Nuts are also enriched with fatty acids, and their daily consumption can prevent dermatitis and keeps your skin glowing. Avocado is another food that helps rebuild the elasticity and moisture barrier and protects the skin from sun damage caused to the DNA. Yogurt and other fermented foods like pickles, raw cheese, other soybean products, etc., contain probiotics that reduce redness and acne in the skin. The leading cause of acne is linked with your gut, and the friendly bacteria present in Yogurt helps cleanse the gut. Green tea is also a great source of antioxidants that fights inflammation and redness caused to the skin. Honey is helpful in moisturizing skin and also prevents skin inflammation.

Anti Aging Foods – Pre-mature Aging And Other Anti-bacterial Properties

Turmeric is proven as a natural anti-biotic, which also helps in preventing skin cancer. Consumption of fruits like oranges keeps the skin hydrated and clean. Olive oil is most beneficial for maintaining fair skin as well as the overall health of the body. Raw cacao consumption helps prevent pre-mature aging; you can intake it as a thick paste mixed with milk. Bell peppers also help prevent eczema, hormonal acne, and dermatitis as they are rich with folate. Thus the consumption of mostly red and yellow bell peppers is useful for our skin and health.


Your eyes are the reflection of your soul; your skin is the reflection of your health. Thus, you should take your health seriously and try consuming anti aging foods to prevent damages caused to your skin.